

553461_364533010274416_1866659170_nHi, I’m Lynne Faubert, a Montreal-based copywriter/translator, published author, magazine columnist (and lapsed mommy blogger). Whatever the media, I always seem to gravitate towards lifestyle, cooking, books and terroir.

As the food columnist and journalist-at-large for both Elle Québec and Véro magazines, I’ve been known to talk food on radio here and there, so visit the section In the News if you’d like to put a voice to the words.

As an ad freelancer, I write mainly for major food brands, advertising and PR agencies, with the occasional arts & culture organization, decoration brand or real estate project thrown in for good measure. I’m also a book writer, editor and proofreader, so I totally get the realities of today’s publishing world.

Bilingual and multicultural at heart, I put words to paper and on your screen in both French and English, so much for the two solitude conundrum. Please note that this blog is now a living archive as I’ve moved on professionally, but feel free to click and read. Like anyone who writes for a living, I love to read. So if you had fun surfing this blog, let me know by dropping a comment. I’m quite talkative for a writer.