
Work with Me


I’m looking for a writer, translator, recipe editor, interviewer, etc.

You’re in the right place then. This blog is my personal tribune where I cover topics that spark my interest. That said, most of my time is spent as a professional copywriter/translator with over 20 years experience, specializing in everything food and lifestyle for advertising and PR agencies as well as major publishers. To find out more, just click here. You can also write me to present your projects or explain your needs.

If you don’t find the answer below, please feel free to write me by filling out the contact form. Thank you.

I write for a newspaper, magazine, online community or other. Can I interview you on the subject of cooking, terroir or other?

Gladly. Please send me your interview request by filling out the contact form here.

I’d like to advertise on FrancoFoodie, how does it work?

First off, thanks for your interest. I’ve declined advertising and sponsorship requests for a long time since FrancoFoodie is really my personal blog and playground so to speak. I also wished to avoid conflicts of interest given my role as a magazine columnist and food writer already working for multiple brands.

For all of these reasons, it’s best to write me to outline your project proposal. I’ll consider it with pleasure.

I’d like to send you a product for you to try/review.

I’m always looking for new products and services to talk about, on this blog or elsewhere in the mediasphere. If you think your product would be of interest to my readers, write me.

The fact that I agree to consider your product doesn’t represent a guarantee of publication. I receive multiple products each more interesting than the last and I have to make choices, often difficult ones. Also, this blog is my personal space to share my very favourite products and ideas. I don’t diss. If I don’t like your product, I simply won’t talk about it. If I like it but it doesn’t jive with my interests for one reason or another (or I’ve been too busy to blog!), then I’ll let you know.

If I like your product and decide to write about it, I’ll disclose to my readers that I received free samples or gratuities, for the sake of transparency.

At all times, don’t forget that you can simply advertise your product or service on this blog, should it be of interest to my readership. To do so, write me with your project outline.

Can I sponsor a post on your blog?

I’m open to publishing a sponsored post if I think your product or service follows my editorial line, and could be of interest to my readership. Sponsored posts are written by me, in my personal style, based on discussions with your team. I do not accept third-party posts. Sponsored posts are given significant visibility through the scrolling banner on the home page, plus a link to the product or sponsor website. Write me with your project outline.

Do you sometimes write for other blogs or media?

I accept the occasional paid mandate as a third-party blogger or columnist. If you’d like to discuss a collaboration or wish to receive my rate card, write me here.

Do you speak at events such as professional tradeshows, seminars etc.?

Yes, sometimes, although my busy schedule doesn’t allow for it much. I’ve been known to take part in round tables on food writing and of course I’m always open to give a conference on my books. Write me about your event, who knows ….