My Lazy Moroccan Mint Tea


Friends are always surprised when I tell them that Moroccan mint tea is quite simple to make. You need green tea (that tidbit always gets them, they seem to think it must be some exotic blend), fresh mint and sugar. That’s it.

In our house, mint tea rallies everyone, even my (now) eight-year-old, whose introduction to camellia sinensis — the Latin name for tea — has been successful indeed, in no small part thanks to this concoction. That’s not even a recipe, let’s face it.


I’ve read multiple “recipes” for mint tea along the years. You should use Chinese gunpowder green tea. No, make that loose leaf and nothing less. You have to warm the teapot gently, throw out the water and start again. You add the mint and sugar only at the end, time the infusion to a t, name it. Of course, you should drink mint tea in small glasses, preferably gold-leafed. (That one, I could totally get into but if I come home with one more one-use-only kitchen accessory, it might lead to an ugly divorce). I don’t do any of that. So I guess this “recipe” should be called: Lazy Moroccan Mint Tea for Ladies Who Can’t Be Bothered. Cheers!


Did you know you should never use boiling water to prepare tea? It will burn the leaves and rob the tea of its more delicate aromas. Very hot water works best. Not that you may make another pot from the dregs but if you like your tea sweet, add a little sugar again.


  • 1. Bring a kettle of water nearly to boiling point.
  • 2. Place mint at the bottom of teapot (I always break the stalks thinking it will maximize taste, but have no scientific proof supporting it).
  • 3. Add sugar and teabags.
  • 4. Pour water over all, stir and let steep a good 5 minutes.
  • 5. Serve, pouring water from a fair distance above your cup so the tea can aerate. And so you can splash everybody with hot water if you’re as clumsy as me.
