Video Love: Blast of green

This blog has what’s called a USP or Unique Selling Proposition. Or niche, if you want. I’m a food writing mom with 2 picky eaters at home. I cook for them out of the newest Québec cookbooks and review the results and the opus at the same time, providing the recipes that worked and might please your own family.

It’s fun (most times), hands-on and, let’s face it, not so inventive, save for the fact that no other blog in Québec seems to devote itself to local books quite so much. Mind you, if you’d like to suggest a “foreign” title for me to cook from and review, feel free to make suggestions.

In 2012, I’m thinking of changing gears once in a while by featuring other stuff I like. Case in point: this Lurpak video that screams appetite appeal and makes me want to rush to the fruit store NOW. Hope it inspires you as much.


Lurpak – Lightest from Blink on Vimeo.



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