At a recent media event I talked about here, Montreal Gazette fine dining critic Lesley Chesterman shared her recipes to serve an all-Chardonnay summer meal from appetizers to desserts. If quiche has gone hot and cold, from overblown trend to the transfat nightmare decried by nutritionists (one trend I wish dead: the nutritionist take on everything we eat, just saying), in French culture, quiche remains the staple it’s always been.
This red pepper quiche would make a terrific lunch of course, but you can also cut it into small squares and serve it as a surefire starter. While the French would surely use a Comté or an Emmenthal, an aged cheddar — the rightful feature-in-the-cap of local cheesemakers — provides robust taste to pair with the sweetness of red peppers. Definitely my kind of pairings on all levels, here’s hoping you enjoy it too.
For other recipes that cozy up well to Chardonnay, see Nicoise Salad, Bar-B-Cue Pork Tenderloin with Peaches and Granité Chardonnay with Grapefruit Confit shown below. All recipes were created by Lesley Chesterman and slightly reworded by me for a shorter read, I take the full blame if mistakes were added 🙂
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