
La cuisine de mon enfance


Book: La cuisine de mon enfance
Publisher: Éditions Transcontinental
Published: Fall 2014

Bringing together 11 Québec chefs around a simple idea — share with us those recipes that marked your childhood —, the book celebrates both the local, generation-old classics of Québec cuisine and the foreign specialties that marked chefs who immigrated here later in life:

• Jean-Luc Boulay from Restaurant Saint-Amour
• Michele Forgione from Impasto and Pizzeria Gema
• Jonathan Garnier from La Guilde Culinaire
• Thania Goyette and Louis Trudeau from Pied-Bleu
• Martin Juneau from Pastaga
• Christophe Morel Chocolatier
• Antonio Park from Park
• David Pellizzari from Lili Co.
• Marc-André Royal from Bistro Le St-Urbain
• Gita Seaton from Nouveau Palais restaurant and Winneburger food truck

I had the privilege of acting both as associate editor and writer on the book, with the responsibility of choosing participating chefs. As a result, they go from the stars of the Québec food scene to up-and-comers whose work I loved and wanted to share. The book is nominated and will represent French Canada in the “Best History Cookbook” category at the 2015 Gourmand World Cookbook Awards.

It is possible to flip through the book and purchase it (in French) here.
